; Industrial beers that start with a K are all similar, they are standardized on the average taste of the consumer. This industrialization has caused the world of beer to lose many qualities. Imagine that wine production is taken over by two or three large industrial groups, farewell the "Chateau Jaja" and the "Domaine Du Pinard"; there would be only one type of Bordeaux going everywhere... For beer it is the same thing, previously breweries were everywhere, even in regions like ours that do not have a great brewing tradition and all had different products. Today the revival of micro breweries finally brings diversity in this area. At Ouche Nanon, we have chosen to produce organic beers to our liking. We hope you like them!... to be consumed in moderation!
We would be very happy to be able to welcome you in our field!
Rules and conditions
The 1€ tours mean that they are made free of charge by the distillery. This amount is requested to ensure the seriousness of your request and avoid the winemaker to block a visiting slot unnecessarily.
In case of unforeseen events, we kindly ask you to cancel your visit to the platform and / or notify the distillery directly.
Reservation policy
Cancellation policy: : Strict
Products offered for tasting:

Brasserie /distillerie Ouche Nanon Professional seller
organic production The company Ouche Nanon is a micro brewery and a micro distillery and as it indicates it is and must remain small. This project is based on: the predominant local market, no sales... See more
organic production The company Ouche Nanon is a micro brewery and a micro distillery and as it indicates it is and must remain small. This project is based on: the predominant local market, no sales in large distribution... maximum use of local raw materials; a global ecological approach: use of raw materials produced in organic, work on the use of solar renewable energies, wood fire; In this spirit it seemed natural to me to offer organic products to be part of a sector that supports these values of local market, proximity and respect for the environment. Promoting local raw materials The main ingredient of beer is malt. The one I use in the majority is made in Issoudun in the Indre from organic barley from the Centre region. The other "special" malts come from Germany or Belgium. But in beer you can also put untreated cereals. Barley and unsented wheat are used in Ouche Nanon beers. These cereals come from the EARL of Queruts in Germigny exempt it 5 km from the brewery. Hops which are the "spice" of beer is more complicated to find organic but since 2013 organic Alsatian hops are available. Since the production of these hops is limited, it is regularly necessary to substitute one variety of hops for another. See less
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